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Something Wicked This Way Comes...

October 21st, 2021 12:04 PM EST

Good Afternoon, Terrarians!Just wanted to share a quick update on stuff the team has been doing. As we mentioned before, we are doing some Steam Deck [...]

Terraria Halloween Contests Are Underway!

October 7th, 2021 03:13 PM EST

Greetings Terrarians,We are excited to announce several upcoming Halloween themed Terraria events where you can win prizes. Full details regarding the [...]

Terraria State of the Game - September 2021

September 24th, 2021 11:52 AM EST

Greetings Terrarians!Fall is nearly upon us, as 2021 turns towards its latter stages. We have always figured that the final few months of this year [...]

Terraria State of the Game - August 2021

August 26th, 2021 12:17 PM EST

Greetings Terrarians!It's back to school time for those of you still in school - and for everyone else, its the dog days of Summer as we look forward [...]

Terraria Collectible Figures Available for Preorder

August 17th, 2021 01:04 PM EST

Greetings Terrarians!We wanted to share the awesome news that the first three Collectible Terraria figures that we have teased in past State of the [...]

The Summer of Terraria 2021 - July Community Events!

July 9th, 2021 08:44 PM EST

TERRARIA SUMMER UPDATES - PART TWOGreetings Terrarians! June has flown by, and here we are in the heat of July - and as we promised, we wanted to [...]

The Summer of Terraria 2021 - See what's in store!

June 3rd, 2021 12:49 PM EST

TERRARIA SUMMER UPDATESGreetings Terrarians! We wanted to check in with everyone as we are about to head into the Summer months. After all, there is [...]

Terraria is Turning 10 Years Old - Join the Celebration!

May 13th, 2021 12:20 PM EST

Can you believe it, Terrarians? The game that we all know and love so much is about to reach its tenth birthday! No doubt, it has been a long and [...]

Unleash Your Creativity- Terraria 1.4.2 & Steam Workshop Support Launches Today!

March 29th, 2021 08:56 AM EST

Greetings, Terrarians... and happy Terraria 1.4.2/Steam Workshop Support launch day!That's right - at long last, we are able to provide an easy-to-use [...]

Terraria: No Greater Labor of Love Nominee - Get Your Votes in Today!

December 22nd, 2020 01:08 PM EST

You did it everyone! Terraria is officially a Nominee for the 2020 Labor of Love Steam Award! On behalf of the entire Re-Logic development team, a [...]