[TR] EMREOYUN Mobile Network | Free Items | Build

Server Information
Address t.emreoyun.tk:7777
Hostname EMREOYUN Mobile Network / EMREOYUN was here...
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 6 / 64
Location United States of America
Map EMREOYUN Network MultiServer System v1.4.0.0
Website https://emreoyun.tk/
Registered by EMREOYUN
Registered since September 1st, 2019 02:12 PM EST
Last update June 30th, 2023 02:49 PM EST
Theme Other
Tag(s) Expert Freebuild Minigames Normal PvE PvP Survival TShock

Discord Server

Vote(s) 211
Rank 15
Score 353
Favorited 22
Discussion(s) 3

About This Server

This server is public Mobile Network, which is you can connect all lobies from single server.
Currently, all of our network is Fully Optimized for Powerful and Fast Mobile Gameplay.
Note: Fast gameplay depends on your device conditions. This comparison has been made with computer TShock servers.

Use /servers to see all servers available to play.
Free Items: Use /i command for get any item you want.

Discord: https://discord.emreoyun.tk

Up-To-Date Network Servers:
•Build - /build
•PvE & PvP - /multi
•Server List - /servers

Server Video

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
6 / 64 Expert Freebuild Hardcore Minigames Normal PvE PvP TShock