Aquaria Survival

Server Information
Hostname Aquaria
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 2 / 15
Location United States of America
Map Aquaria
Registered by nuffy
Registered since May 30th, 2023 04:53 PM EST
Last update April 10th, 2024 09:55 PM EST
Theme Other
Tag(s) Cross-Play Economy Expert SSC Survival TShock

Discord Server

Vote(s) 152
Rank 17
Score 244
Favorited 12
Discussion(s) 9

About This Server

Hello there!

Welcome to this small server named Aquaria!

Our Current notable Features:
*We support cross-play between mobile and pc!
*Progression based Vote rewards!
*World Regen, Happens every 12 hrs, (Resets the world to a clean state ignoring player claims)
*Our worlds reset Weekly at Saturday 12pm CST!
*We have a custom shop plugin which uses regular gold coins or items!
*We have Custom boss hp and damage scaling to provide a slightly harder challenge!
*A simple housing plugin to protect your base!
*A spawn with most of your basic needs!
*Auto Drunk and Master mode!(not drunk world seed)
*Boss Damage Leader board!
*Playtime based rank system!(ranks give commands or permissions.)

And so much more soon to come!

We are currently in a beta phase which players can join and play as normal! (do note that bugs or lag may happen but its rare.)

Here is our trello page on our current goals in features to implement.