- Just Updated! Journey, Free Items, Crossplay - Just Updated! Journey, Free Items, Crossplay
Server Information
Hostname Rencorner
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 2 / 40
Location United States of America
Map Rencorner
Registered by jks101
Registered since July 9th, 2014 10:56 AM EST
Last update June 12th, 2024 10:53 PM EST
Theme Other
Tag(s) Cross-Play Economy Expert Freebuild Protected PvE PvP TShock

Discord Server

Vote(s) 597
Rank 10
Score 945
Favorited 54
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

• Version 1.4.4.X (All Platforms)
• Classic & Journey characters can both join!
• Great Community - A very friendly base who will surely welcome you upon your arrival to the server!
• Free Items - Get as many of your favorite items as you want with /item or from our Quick Chests room at /warp qc or /warp item (room shown below)!
• Free Build - You can build anywhere in the world that isn't already protected, or in the dedicated building areas!
• Protections - Protect your builds with /house define - Hit the top left and bottom right blocks of your house, then hit the center and you're done!
• Staff - Interact, have fun and ask questions to the friendly, mature and trained staff members here at! With Administrators with over 7 years' experience and formal training, you're guaranteed to have a pleasant and enjoyable experience!

Unique Gameplay Elements:
Economy - RenCorner has two separate player-economies, one revolving around server-platinum, and the other based on event-currency. You earn currency for playtime on the server, PvP, PvE, events, voting and more! These economies are the foundation of the following gameplay elements:

Custom Weapons - With well over 130 Custom Weapons in total in addition to an exclusively server-side stats system, you can experience combat, both PvE and PvP alike, in a whole new light at our dedicated CustomPvP Arena!

Server-Side Stats & CustomPvP - Exclusive server-side stat system used instead of Terraria's traditional systems.
There are 8 primary server side stats:

Each of these stats adds an additional layer of complexity to PvP and PvE. These stats are used in CustomPvP, and will be used in upcoming PvE and PvP Raid Bosses, which can be participated in to earn equipment to further increase these stats!

Enchantments - Custom Weapons weren't cool enough? Fear not, Enchantments are like Custom Weapons, but on steroids, and also have much more to offer! The possibilities are near endless: On-Hit Procs/Reactions, auto-spawning projectiles when enemies are close by, life-steal, healing other players automatically in a radius, and so, so much more! Gungnir Enchantment Showcase! | Nebula Blaze Enchantment Showcase!

Ranks - As VIP member (free to get with a > 99% acceptance rate!), you can: play around with exclusive commands, pick a server-class/specialization, rank up 40+ times (increasing your server-side stats as you do so), unlocking more: commands, Custom Weapons, bonus health and mana, server enchantments, and more, with each and every rank up! There are a total of 120 unique VIP ranks — 40 per class!

Party System - An exclusive player-managed party system with more than a dozen subcommands that allow you to create and manage your party with few limitations. Create private parties and discuss matters in party chat, or leave your party open and meet new people! Everything from the privacy, display name, and chat color - to the size, leader, and home/base of your party can be customized! The party system will also be used in upcoming PvP and PvE Raids!

Multi-Server Chat - All messages sent by everyone by default are sent to all other servers, you're never alone! If you want a little privacy in your chat, just switch the mode from global to local with /chat!

Discord BOT/Integration - Custom discord bot where you can link your in-game account and your discord account, then level up on our discord too!

Survival (Coming Sooner) - If you'd just like to play some casual survival with some friends, then you've come to the right place. We will also have a survival server completely separate from our others! If progressing too quickly is a concern, don't worry! We have it covered: Every month a progression wall opens up! For example: Month 1 = Progression up to WoF. Month 2 = Up To Mechanical Bosses, etc. This guarantees you have plenty of time to catch up to everyone else, regardless of your schedule!

Our Quick Chests Room:

Apply for VIP! You can also apply through our Discord (Faster)!

Server Video