Terraria State of the Game - October 2024
Posted on October 31st, 2024 12:54 PM EST

Greetings Terrarians!
October is quite possibly our favorite month here on the Terraria team. We are big fans of the turn towards the Fall alongside all of the spooky happenings that come along with Halloween. Speaking of which, if you have any amazing Terraria-themed pumpkins, costumes, or anything similar that you put together for Halloween this year, we would love to see them - and maybe feature them in the community section next month! On the development side, the team is pushing hard towards the end of the year, checking off items on the team's collective list at a blistering pace. More on that later, but for now, let's see what treats the Terraria team has waiting for our amazing community this year!
All that said, let's see what's going on in the world of Terraria...

The team has been making some amazing progress on the "lists" we mentioned in September's State of the Game. There is still quite a bit to get done (and test and fix, etc), but we remain committed to never cutting any corners. Ultimately, updates will take the time they need to be done right - that mantra of "it's ready when it's ready" has served us, the game, and the community right for 13 years and counting after all! As for what that means for timing and whatnot, we cannot really say just yet. That said, we will be sure to keep everyone informed here in the SOTG as well as elsewhere when the time is right. Thank you for your patience and your support!
Speaking of your support, we are thrilled to reveal that Terraria has finally eclipsed the 60 million units milestone (60.7m to be precise) - with 33m on PC alone! Simply put, we could not do what we do every day while maintaining the principles we hold so dearly without your support. Thank you doesn't do it justice - rest assured we aim to keep being worthy of that support.
Life Fruit has always been a valuable commodity in Terraria - but really loses its usefulness once the player has reached full health. The scientists in the Terraria food labs have taken some steps to fix this problem. Let's check in with our resident food expert to find out more...
Check out the Console/Mobile section for a sneak peak of Jungle Juice in action!
Oh, and in case you missed it, we had a sneaky little hidden spoiler posted on TCF during the TCF 10th Anniversary Festivities:

Avoid that nasty "one click too many" - and giving the Tinkerer even more of you hard-earned coins...


Click the banner above to check out the Terraria Workshop!
Countless Terraria texture packs and worlds await you in the Terraria Steam Workshop! You are missing out if you haven't taken the time to check out these amazing creations from the community.
Speaking of amazing creations, we had one that caught our eye this month that we just had to add to the Terraria Workshop Developer's Choice List:

by CookieEver wondered what it would be like if a slime had that main character energy... wonder no further!

Working the list, preparing to discuss those "possible extra additions"...


Hello everyone!
The tModLoader team and our amazing community of contributors continues to improve tModLoader. On November 1st the monthly update release of tModLoader will go live. Once again this month's release contains many improvements to the user experience, some gameplay bug fixes, as well as new features with examples and documentation for mod makers.
We'd like to remind modders about the preview branch where we test new features before they arrive in stable the following month. Modders interested in new these features, listed both on our GitHub and in the #preview-update-log of our Discord, can join the preview branch to get early access to the new features and test them in their mods. We really appreciate the feedback from modders using the preview branch to try out the new features.
One feature we are currently previewing is additional support for modded tiles that react to wind and player movement, as some vanilla tiles do. Modders on the preview branch can test it out and make sure it works correctly for chandeliers, banners, vines, and other similar tiles.
Modders and users should also keep an eye out for our monthly Steam announcement on the 1st where a complete listing of bug fixes and API changes for this month's release will be listed. The in-game news button on the main menu will direct you directly to the announcement once it is live.
As always, if you are having issues of any sort, definitely don't hesitate to check out our FAQ on github[github.com] or reach out to us at our Discord[discord.com].


The TML Steam Workshop has over 6000 mods for you to enjoy! Coupled with the in-game mod browser, the TML Steam Workshop is a great way to explore what modded Terraria has to offer - check it out today by clicking the banner above!

More features, continuing to evolve and grow what TML can do... and getting ready for 1.4.5.
As always, you can keep track the current progress and much more in real time at tModLoader/tModLoader[github.com] (But note that the completion percentage doesn't mean anything, because issues and PRs don't have weights.)
Developers who are willing to contribute may do so by doing PRs to the tModLoader/tModLoader[github.com] branch. (See tModLoader/tModLoader[github.com])

PlayStation, XBOX, Nintendo Switch, Mobile - DR STUDIOS
The Console/Mobile team has once again had a productive month. We have been adding the 1.4.5 update content in parallel with PC, further refining the control button changes we mentioned last time, and we put out a recent technical build on mobile that helps bring the backend up to speed with first party platforms - enabling future updates to go more smoothly. We stand ready to help make the next update as amazing as possible - we cannot wait for everyone to experience what it has to offer!

Jungle Juice has what you need when battling nefarious foes... or jumping into a hole that was deeper than you remember!
Until next time, Console & Mobile friends - thanks for all of your love and support!

Greetings Terrarians!
Here's the latest and greatest happenings on the Community side of things. Thanks as always for being the most engaged and awesome gaming Community ever!


The 10th anniversary of the Terraria Community Forums[forums.terraria.org] has been well and fully celebrated over these last two months. It's time now to announce the winners of the Painting Contest - take a look back at the amazing entries here: TCF's 10th Anniversary Painting Contest[forums.terraria.org]. Thank you to all for your fantastic entries and joining in the celebration!

Super Celestial Bros by Nakateer

A Cherry Blossom Sunset by HesJustThisGuy

Magic Mountain by Impostor
In case you missed any of the celebration, check out everything via the link below!
The Terraria merchandise hub is where you can find all of the latest and greatest Terraria merchandise all year round - with new stuff arriving all of the time! Check out the latest merch drops as well as some classics and pick up that epic Terraria gift for a friend (or yourself!).

Click the banner above to head to http://terraria.org/store now!


Click the image above to check out the brand new 2025 Terraria Calendar!
Featuring 13 brand new original pieces of art from the ridiculously-talented Terraria fan artists Suweeka, Drawnbykrishna, Shadouette, GreyL1me, Dragonith, Haidenisa, and OrangeDude, the 2025 Terraria wall calendar is available now on Amazon. We cannot think of a better way to keep track of things next year! Pick yours up today.


We are very pleased to share that the very cool folks over at Hystar[www.hystar.gg] are working on a new line of Terraria desk mats/mouse pads! We have been really impressed so far with the quality of both the artwork and the products themselves. This is one you will definitely want to keep an eye on.
That said, the Hystar team needs your help deciding which designs should move forward as potential future Terraria mats. They have a couple in mind already, but would love it if you could help narrow down the list of other early concepts. So, if you are interested, check out the poll below and get your vote in now!

The Terraria T-Shirt of the month for October features the nefarious Moon Lord. The supreme evil menace looming over all of Terraria gazes ominously from the shadows, seeking to claim its next victim! This shirt also glows in the dark for that added spooky vibe...

Pick yours up today by clicking the image above - and be sure to check out the entire collection of amazing merch over at https://terraria.shop/!
We will be back again next month with yet another fantastic Terraria T-Shirt design!

Embark on a Crimson Adventure with the Latest Terraria Edition JoyCon Shellset, Exclusively From Elite Gaming Gear!

Click the image above to check out the Crimson Joycon Shell!
True Terrarians, gear up! The Crimson Edition JoyCon Shellset is here to transport you directly into the heart of Terraria's haunting Crimson biome. Crafted with intricate designs that resonate with the eerie beauty and thrill of this beloved realm, each shell reflects the essence of adventure and danger that awaits.
Simple installation, epic transformation — Elite Gaming Gear's step-by-step video tutorial makes it easy to upgrade your gameplay in true Terrarian style. Immerse yourself in the lore and pulse of the Crimson’s tainted lands with a controller that’s as fierce as the challenges you’ll face.


Hello Terrarians! Chris here, lead developer at Paper Fort Games. October has been jam-packed with conventions, playtesting and game development. George has been hard at work on more fantastic art assets and we’re continuing to perfect the modular boss miniatures. We’ve got an Essen recap for you, as well as a spotlight on the Halloween promo pack unlocked during the campaign.
If you missed the campaign but would like to get your hands on the game, don’t worry! Late pledges are now available by clicking the link below...
TERRARIA: THE BOARD GAME CAMPAIGN LATE PLEDGES[terraria-board-game.backerkit.com]
Let’s jump in!
At the start of October, we were showing Terraria: The Board Game at Essen Spiel, the world’s largest tabletop game convention. Over 200,000 attendees visited the show; thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth to chat about the game, to play a demo and to see the playmat in person! It was a wonderful chance to meet backers of the Kickstarter, fans of the game and also board gamers who had never heard of Terraria.

The Paper Fort Games booth team at Essen Spiel 2024!
Our demo table was full from open to close on all 4 days of the convention, and it was extremely rewarding to watch attendees explore the game. Here’s an excerpt from a review left by a player of the demo:
“…I played the demo at Essen this weekend- INCREDIBLY fun experience, even with 3 other strangers. The developer was clearly passionate about taking the spirit of Terraria and translating it into boardgame format … The best part of all, is no matter which choice you make you will still be progressing the game forward and generating value to the team … Many actions you make, including exploring can be highly rewarding. I don’t know if the path that my team took would have resulted in victory (honestly, I don't care) but subsequent games would force us to be a little more efficient with our actions to accomplish objectives and make progress toward a victory. Taking the first action was intimidating at first with all of the freedom of choice, but after you use the first or second action point it clicks…”

Thanks to @Yakos on BGG for uploading this picture of a game in progress at Essen!
If you live in the US, we’ll be at PAX Unplugged in December; we’ll be sharing more details in November’s SOTG so keep an eye out!
As this is our October update and Halloween is almost upon us, it seemed appropriate to show you some more of the Halloween Promo Pack, unlocked as a stretch goal during the Kickstarter campaign and included with every pledge!

Pumpkin Armor: Gourd-ness me; don’t you look fetching! Now we know that technically, this armor isn’t a Halloween item in the videogame, but it seemed right to put it in this pack! This set provides a tasty boost to your base defence, but also grants the ability to re-roll your lowest value attack die once per turn; perfect for having a second go at a pesky enemy.
Rotten Egg: What’s that smell? That’s right; it’s everyone’s favourite antisocial consumable! Discard this card to perform a free medium-range attack (or maybe that should be a free-range medium attack?), rolling 2 four-sided dice.
Bladed Glove: Is that you, Freddy? This short-range weapon is cheap and speedy; just a single action point to roll 3 four-sided dice. Terrarian trivia buffs might know that despite its appearance, the Bladed Glove is classified as a sword in the videogame and as such will occupy that slot on your character board.
These Halloween items will be available in your games via the Goodie Bag, an optional card that you can add to the base game chest cards.
George has recently been working his way through the game’s equipment; here are some of our favourite pieces!

From left to right: Gold Bow, War Axe of the Night, Blood Butcherer, Dark Lance, Slime Staff, Ice Blade and Tendon Bow
We’ve also been working with Re-Logic to perfect the game’s houses; you’ll build these (placing their tiles into your world) to unlock new crafting stations and powerup tokens throughout the game. We wanted the earliest houses to look basic and later ones to be more ornate, representing the way that players’ base building skills (and the items available to them) develop over the course of the game.

What’s your favourite detail in the houses? Let us know in the comments!
Here are some of the game’s features we’ve been focusing on this month:
- Simplification of debuffs; these are now represented by tokens rather than cards and have an inbuilt 2-turn cooldown system.
- Adjustments to objectives to preserve early game momentum
- Boss behaviour alterations
- Further quality of life changes to the character boards, Bestiary/ crafting menu and minimap console.
Here’s a photo from a recent in-house playtest with Luke from fellow Nottingham-based design studio Iconiq Games (creators of the official Saw board game; very Halloween-appropriate!). A timely yoyo strike on a weakened King Slime, a mad dash to the ocean and a perfectly-placed pylon secured a victory!

I’ll be back next month with another designer diary. Remember; if you missed the campaign but would still like to get your hands on the game, late pledges are now available via the link below:
TERRARIA: THE BOARD GAME CAMPAIGN LATE PLEDGES[terraria-board-game.backerkit.com]
Until next time!

The Terraria community is filled with incredible fan media. We love to browse Terraria associated social pages and check out the creative minds sharing wonderful creations. We wanted to spotlight some of the trending media that caught our attention this month. Please let us know if any of the shared media has a different original creator.(CLICK A GIVEN IMAGE TO HEAD OVER TO THE THREAD WHERE WE SAW IT)
Starting off this month's spotlight, we have some of the very best TCF 10th Anniversary tributes!

by StarsAndStuff - 1st Place Winner of the TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by Russ Guss Doodles - 2nd Place Winner of the TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by Doppleboop - 3rd Place Winner of the TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by Mazeriette - Honorable Mention - TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by Euphoria Spark - Honorable Mention - TCF 10th Anniversary Contest
by Halloween! - Honorable Mention - TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by HandsomeSquirrel🐿️ - Honorable Mention - TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by Glasia🌳 - Honorable Mention - TCF 10th Anniversary Contest

by FlawlessTrash - Honorable Mention - TCF 10th Anniversary Contest
And now for the rest of the awesome art and builds our team noticed this month!

by 寒くない三九

by @JunohNebula
by @Dr.Dismantle

by @Scarleihemn

by Notnalow

by @PoisonBricks
(would be really cool if everyone supported this on Lego Ideas)


by YeetingPastMidnight

by samsmie

by benii21

by Drawnbykrishna

by Sui

That being the theme of the quest ahead, you are welcome to design your entry in a multitude of formats, whether it's an in-game build, drawing, 3D model or even sprite-work! We implore adventurers of all forms to participate!.
- Submissions must be made by you, any approach to plagiarism or use of AI will be instantly disqualified, and sent to the ol’ mithril mines, potentially being banned from future events and never seen ever again!
- Submissions must make an attempt at the events theme of Grand Weaponry, as-well as try to connect itself to Terraria in some way. Spellbooks and adjacent concepts are allowed.
- Mods for in-game builds are not allowed unless they help in the building process like T-edit, Quality of Terraria, etc. Mods that affect the build like Blocks and Shaders are disallowed. This includes Texture-packs that affect blocks used.
- Submissions must show effort; be confident in your work and try your best. There are a variety of formats you can choose so pick the one you're most confident in, remember you're only doing one so don't stress on having to do multiple!
- In the official Terraria Discord please message Event Mail with a Screenshot of your submission as .jpg or .png. Low quality shots or taking a picture of your screen will not be considered. We entice you to name your legendary weapon as-well!
- 35,000 Prize Points and the Event Winner role!
- 30,000 Prize Points
- 25,000 Prize Points
- Participation Prize - 3,000 Prize Points
The gates to a goblin's deepest dreams and riches closes on October 31, 2024 8:59 PM PDT.
Good luck and get to forge'n

Penguin Games has announced Class Wars League, the next large-scale tournament hosted by Penguin Games. Similar to their previous team-based tournaments, it is a double-elimination bracket. Teams will consist of 6 members, matches will be 4v4, and life count per team will be 8. So, expect bloodshed and conquest as teams fight to be number one! Registrations are open until the 3rd of November, 2024. So, if you are already convinced and have a team ready, sign up!
Read more: Penguin Games Class Wars League Announcement[www.penguingames.fun]
Register your team: Class Wars League Registration[forms.gle]
This event is being hosted by the people over at Penguin Games

Until next time, Terrarians - we hope you have an amazing month, and we look forward to bringing you the latest and greatest next time!